Thursday, January 24, 2008

Moment of Truth

So, last night was the premiere for this dumb A show, The Moment of Truth. I did manage to watch some of it and it was absolutely heartbreaking to me. My prediction is that this show will ruin relationships...quickly.

Last night, Tinker "Ty" Keck was the first guest to appear on this show and he had his beautiful wife, Catia, supporting him as he journeyed through uncomfortable questions. As the questions got more intense and more focused on his relationship with Catia, she become ever more anxious and self conscious. My heart just ached for her. One of the questions was something like, Have you ever done anything that would cause Catia not to trust you? And his answer was YES! What the HECK is she supposed to do with this? Another question was, "Do you think you have delayed having children with Catia because you are not sure she is your life partner"? Again, answer was yes.

And the real kicker, he walked away with no money at all. Just serious martial problems on the horizon.

Why is that we enjoy watching other people's train wrecks so much? Does it make us feel more normal or better than?


Callie B said...

Hey lady, I saw the previews for that show. I agree that no good can come from it! Let's boycott.

Jessie said...

I didn't see the show, but I heard clips from it on the radio this morning. Sounds terrible!

Brighter Sunshine said...

wow, yeah... i can't pull myself to watch this show. just seeing the previews crumbles my heartstrings.

is fame (being on tv), or money (umm, he walked away with nothing) SO worth it to these people to do this kind of thing? maybe so...

i'd like to see the ratings of how this show compared in its time slot... to see if america really is that intrigued by suffering and other people's heartache. how unfortunate our society is becoming.

Jessie said...

Thanks for the encouragement! Good to know someone else has had that crazy realization that you can be your very own idol! I'll be lifting you up, too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up about this show. Surely these contestants must be tricked into coming on the show. For who in their right mind would expose their darkest thoughts in such a vulnerable place with their families listening in shock and shame. Shame on Fox for helping these people humiliate themselves and their loved ones.

Larry Ray said...

I should have never hooked up your tv eyy?