Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Movie Reviews

Two Weeks starring Sally Field

I watched this movie last night and I cried like a little girl. This was a touching film about family and how important it is to come together when you lose a loved one. And because losing a mother will be so terribly hard I have decided that I never want to lose my mom. Mom, can you stay forever? That would be ideal. Thanks.

I would highly recommend this movie, but make sure that you are in the mood for something heavy. And don’t watch this is you are in the process of losing someone or have recently lost someone. Well, maybe you should watch it…you might relate. Hmmm...not sure about that one.

The great news is that this movie makes you laugh at just the right time. There were times when I could picture myself sitting at the table with my brother spewing orange juice through my nose because of side-splitting laughter at something only we would think is funny…even in spite of a painful situation. It is a film that insightful, moving, heart-wrenching and humorous all rolled into one story. Sally Field is amazing. You can feel her pain. Mom, you still with me? Just checking.