Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day Two Came Too Fast

Well, dang it. Last night was Matt's surpirse party for his 25th birthday and I was all excited to blog about it before midnight (so I avoided blogging during the day) but where was I at midnight? The Waffle House. I rushed home and saw that all my girls where faithful to their blogging challenge and I felt so defeated. I have already failed on day two. BUT...I will make up for it by blogging numerous times today, okay? Matt's par-tay was super fun and it was awesome to spend the night with my most favorite people. And we used streamers which is so 7th grade and awesome, thanks to Aimee, and we listened to 90's music most of the night.

Aimee, where the heck were you all night? Not in a single picture. Boo.

Happy Superbowl Day. Next year we will get Monday off for the Superbowl National Holiday, right Christin?


Brighter Sunshine said...

HAHA! I totally hope so. :)

hey, crazy thing... and i'm so disappointed about... my dang camera isn't working so yes, i'm having problems too... big stinker!

have fun at your parties... hope those waffles were yummy!

Callie B said...

Where are all of the posts we were promised???

P Rob said...

So did you count adding pictures as your second blog? Hmm.... sounds pretty weak to me.

Anonymous said...

Pics are cute...there is one of just yall and my hand that is a little creepy though! haha. So fun spending time with you sister!